Embracing the Journey – Why Starting to Perform Isn’t Hard, But Sticking with It Is

Whether it’s singing, acting, dancing, or any other form of art that sets your soul on fire, you decided that you want to create. Congratulations! You’ve already overcome the first hurdle as an artist: starting. Believe it or not, that’s often the easier part. There are countless classes, workshops, and online tutorials out there just waiting for you to dive in and start learning. The real challenge? Sticking with it when the initial excitement fades and you’re faced with the daunting reality of building a career in the arts.

Shannon Scott – Pearl Diving at SeaWorld

Starting is Just the Beginning


What if I were to tell you that starting really is the easiest part when it comes to performing, especially in today’s day and age of technology! Signing up for classes or attending workshops is the first step towards honing your craft and you don’t have to be in the biggest states in order to make it happen. Thanks to Zoom classes, you can start learning in another country if you wished. You just have to do a little research and you’ll find so many different classes out there that will help jumpstart your life as a performer. Plus, it’s thrilling to learn new skills, meet fellow performers, and imagine the possibilities ahead. Would you agree?

But what happens next? For many, this is where the uphill battle begins. You might find yourself in a dry spell—no bookings, no auditions, and seemingly no progress. This is where doubts creep in. Is it worth it? Am I good enough? Will I ever make it?

Stop right there my friend. This is the silent killer of many performers. The self-doubt can lead to procrastination > which can lead to frustration > which can lead to getting frustrated > which can lead to giving up and working a 9-5 corporate jobby job.


Keep Going: Your Heart Depends On It

Here’s the truth: success in the performing arts, like many creative fields, is not just about talent—it’s about perseverance. The most successful performers are not always the most talented; they’re often the ones who refused to give up. They kept pushing forward, even when no one seemed to be noticing their efforts. No one can keep you from achieving your dreams but you, and the ultimate question it comes down to is this. Will you regret not pushing through and giving it your all when your days on earth are up? Because if you will, you must keep going to make your heart sing until the day you die!

One Opportunity Is All It Takes

Remember, all it takes is one breakthrough moment to change your life. That audition you thought went nowhere? It might lead to a callback months later. That small gig with no audience? You never know who might be in the crowd—a casting director, a producer, or someone who knows someone looking for talent just like yours. Even if you don’t think anyone is noticing you, they are. Simply put, you never know who will cross your path. Life is funny and things always happen when you least expect it. Remember, Pamela Anderson got noticed at a sports game!!!

Building Your Craft, Building Your Network

BONUS! When you take the time expand your knowledge in class settings, you are also surrounding yourself with likeminded people who are wanting to better themselves as well. This means that you not only have the


opportunity to create lasting friendships, but you can find people who you love working with! Why is this so important? Well, you might be able to find people who you can create with, or they could possibly remember you in the future for projects they are working on.

Whether it is taking a class, going to an audition or networking event —it’s all building towards something bigger. You’re not just improving your skills; you’re also building your network! Read that again: You’re not just improving your skills; you’re also building your network! The connections you make today, could open doors tomorrow.

So, when you feel like giving up, remind yourself why you started in the first place. Surround yourself with supportive peers who understand the journey!  Celebrate small victories along the way. And most importantly, keep pushing forward, because success in the performing arts is not a sprint—it’s a marathon.

You’re guaranteed to have a lot of ups and downs on your path an a performer, but if you stick with it and keep going even when you think you aren’t getting noticed… You never know what the future may hold. Stay committed to your craft as an entertainer and keep pushing forward. Your breakthrough, you’re shining moment that will open the gateway to endless opportunities could be right around the corner. After all, it only takes ONE opportunity to change your life!


If you’re ready to take action and go ALL-IN on your dreams, my one-on-one coaching is open! Stop wishing and start doing by getting clear on your goals, taking strategic actions towards making your dreams happen. APPLY HERE!

“Procrastination is opportunity’s assassin.” — Victor Kiam

Shannon Scott as Little Red Riding Hood – Photo taken by Courtney Baum Photography


If you’re craving more and want to level up your acting mentality to confidentially pursue your passions for acting, be sure to subscribe to the Shannon The Slayer Podcast  You can find it on SpotifyApple, or YouTube! I can’t wait to see you there!

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Picture of By: Shannon Scott

By: Shannon Scott

Hi, I'm Shannon! A performer and motivator who has always loved to make others smile through the art of entertainment. Thanks for taking the time to read my posts, listen to my podcast and following me for motivation! Best wishes my friend. Keep smiling and NEVER give up!

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