The Power of Patience – Navigating Success in The Long Game

What is Patience?

Patience is knowing that things take time. It’s being able to accept any delays and bumps along the way without getting angry or upset. It’s being able to understand that things take time and knowing that the right moment will always present itself eventually.

Acting is a journey, not a race. Which can be a difficult thing to grasp, especially since we are in a world driven by instant gratification and quick results… The concept of patience, often feels like a forgotten virtue.

Yet, this simple word will give you a great power if you learn to accept it and apply it in your daily life! Its importance cannot be overstated, especially when we consider endeavors that require dedication, strategy, and perseverance over time.


It’s a Game

Imagine yourself engrossed in a game that demands more than just quick reflexes or immediate decision-making. It requires long-term planning, thoughtful consideration of each move, and the patience to see your strategies unfold over hours, days, or even weeks of gameplay. This goes for live sports games, video games, board games, you name it. If you aren’t patient, you risk the chance of getting frustrated and playing the wrong move which can lead to you giving up in the end.

Success rarely comes to those who rush headlong into every skirmish or hastily make decisions without foresight. Instead, victory favors those who exhibit patience—the ability to wait for the right moment, to build alliances and resources steadily, and to execute well-thought-out plans with precision. Take Lionel Messy for example. It took him years to win a trophy. Yet he was always patient and strategic in his moves, which ultimately helped bring his team to victory in the end! Go Argentina!!!!!

pexels-photo-8327534-8327534.jpg10,000 Hours

This is where the power of patience comes into play. The famous “10,000-hour rule,” popularized by Malcolm Gladwell in his book *Outliers*, suggests that mastery in any field requires roughly 10,000 hours of deliberate practice. This principle underscores the importance of sustained effort and patience over time. Success isn’t typically an overnight phenomenon; it’s the cumulative result of consistent action, learning from mistakes, and refining strategies. Read that again my friend. Let it sink in and store it in your brain for easy access in the future. It’s extremely important you remember this!

Another example is the entrepreneur. They start with an idea, work tirelessly to develop it into a viable business, and navigate through setbacks and challenges along the way. Yes they encounter a LOT of set backs, yet they keep pushing. For they understand that success in this context isn’t just about


having a brilliant idea; it’s about having the patience to iterate, pivot when necessary, and persist through difficulties until the business gains traction.

In creative pursuits, such as writing, painting, or music composition, patience is equally crucial. Artists often spend years honing their craft, producing work that may not receive recognition immediately. Yet, those who persist—continuously improving their skills, experimenting with new techniques, and refining their artistic voice—are the ones who eventually break through and leave a lasting impact.

Commit and Be Patient

The key takeaway is this: when you commit to a goal that demands sustained effort and strategic decision-making, embrace patience as your steadfast companion. Understand that progress may be gradual, but each step forward, no matter how small, contributes to the larger journey. Just as in a game where each move builds towards victory, every action you take towards your goal contributes to your ultimate success.

Moreover, patience isn’t simply about waiting passively; it’s about actively engaging in the process, making informed decisions, and staying committed to your long-term vision. It’s about trusting that your efforts will bear fruit in due time, even when the path forward seems uncertain or challenging.

So whether you’re navigating the intricacies of a strategy game or pursuing a significant life goal, remember the power of patience! Success rarely happens overnight—it’s the culmination of persistence, strategic thinking, and unwavering dedication. So, stay focused, do the work, and trust that with time and effort, your efforts will yield the results you seek. As you embark on your journey, embrace patience as your ally, knowing that every step forward brings you closer to achieving your dreams.

If you’re ready to take action and go ALL-IN on your dreams, my one-on-one coaching is open! Stop wishing and start doing by getting clear on your goals, taking strategic actions towards making your dreams happen. APPLY HERE!

“Great works are performed not by strength but by perseverance.”                — Samuel Johnson

Underwater Model & Performer Shannon Scott


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Picture of By: Shannon Scott

By: Shannon Scott

Hi, I'm Shannon! A performer and motivator who has always loved to make others smile through the art of entertainment. Thanks for taking the time to read my posts, listen to my podcast and following me for motivation! Best wishes my friend. Keep smiling and NEVER give up!

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